
Startup Tips and Tricks For The Tech Industry

Technology is the booming industry in the millennial generation. Each day, more and more tech startups are emerging and providing some of the most fantastic products and services. But, to build a successful startup, you need to have certain tips and tricks up your sleeve. Although the tech industry is booming, the cut throat competition is heating up. Technology is something that we cannot do without in the modern age. Moreover, each and every industry today requires some kind of tech. Technology is ensuring that businesses have a backup in no matter which field they are catering. For instance, the automotive industry is heavily relying on tech to introduce new age features. Furthermore, the education industry is also incorporating technology to deliver quality education. These are just a few of the industries that are using technology. The opportunities for a tech startup are increasing day by day. But, in order to make your tech startup a successful company, you need to...

Different Types Trademarks in India

A trademark of goods or services distinguishes them from other articles of commerce that are similar in nature but originate from a different origin. A trademark is a visual or graphical representation that is unique to a company. The proprietor of a registered trademark reserves exclusive usage rights and can seek relief of infringement against other traders for unlawfully using the trademark as well as demand alimony for damages.  This could be a word, signature, name, numerals, device, shapes, labels, colours or a combination of them. Once registered, a trademark should be used or proposed to be used only in relation to goods or services that indicate a connection between the goods or services and the person or entity who has been allowed rights to use the trademark. In India, trademark registrations are governed by Trade Marks Act, 1999 and can be divided into the below categories depending on the characteristics of the mark. Let’s have a look – Word mark A word mark includes ...